How do I take cuttings of a Christmas cactus?


Christmas cactus or Schlumbergera is a popular houseplant grown for its colorful winter blooms. Hybrids of the original species are native to moist tropical forest regions and are also called jungle cacti.

To propagate, take cuttings in the spring or summer. Do this by removing two or three joined segments from a well-grown plant, and allow to dry for a few hours or a day. Then insert the bottom segment gently into a 3-inch pot of the recommended mixture. Several cuttings may be inserted around the edge of a larger pot, if desired. Care for the cuttings as mature plants. They should start growing in about a month.

A peat-based potting mixture can be used made more porous with an addition of one part coarse sand or perlite to three parts of the standard potting mix. This well-drained mixture will help keep the shallow root system from rotting.

Although Schlumbergera is generally a winter-flowering plant, its stems grow most actively from spring to early fall. During the entire year, except for a short period following the end of the flowering, water plentifully as often as necessary to keep the potting mixture thoroughly moist.

To learn more about Christmas cactus here and other jungle cacti, see our Guide to Growing Cacti Indoors.


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Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service

  • Last Updated Mar 03, 2021
  • Views 229
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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