How do you grow Medinilla?


Medinilla magnifica or rose grape are native to the Phillipines where they grow as epiphytes in the forks of tree branches, like some orchids. With beautiful hanging pink flowers, Medinilla needs bright light filtered through a sheer blind or curtain. Rotate the plant to give even light for a balanced growth habit.

A temperature of 65-80°F is suitable. They like high humidity too. During growth and warm days, mist spray daily. During the winter rest period, less humidity is needed if the temperature drops below 65°F.

Water moderately, giving enough at each watering to make the potting mixture moist throughout but allowing the top half inch of the mixture to dry out before watering again. During the rest period give only enough to keep the potting mix from drying out completely, and do not begin to water moderately again until new flower stalks become visible in early to mid-spring.

Potting mix for Medinilla consists of a combination of 1/3 soil-based mix, 1/3 coarse leaf mold, 1/6 peat moss, and 1/6 coarse sand (builders' sand, not beach sand) or perlite. In early spring move each plant into a pot one size larger, taking great care to damage roots as little as possible. Top dress (remove a few inches of soil and replace with new) with fresh mix when maximum convenient size pot is reached.

- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service



  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2022
  • Views 2443
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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