How do I transplant pachysandra in the fall?


Use a sharp spade to dig up manageable clumps complete with roots, and replant immediately. You can do it in the fall, but very early spring is probably better because the plants will have more time to get established.The same steps would apply for a fall transplant.

Prepare the planting area with a generous addition of organic compost. Pachysandra terminalis (the most commonly planted type) spreads by rhizomes, which are thick horizontal stems under the ground. The rhizomes have nodes from which roots and shoots grow. Simply check the rhizomes for nodes with roots and divide them at that point. Plant the divided rhizomes up to a foot apart and water them daily. Mulch between the transplanted clumps and plan on keeping them well watered during the first summer while they become established. The plants will take hold and fill in the area in a year or two.

Cuttings from the stems will root rapidly either in pots or by being placed straight into the soil. One of the nice things about this plant is that it can be used in many places other plants don’t like. So transplant pachysandra to those parts of the garden where other plants fail, for example where the soil is acidic or there are steep slopes. Even shaded areas can be populated and turned green.

Pachysandra is tough as well as attractive. It can be invasive, so be careful about planting it near areas where you don’t want it to spread.

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- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service

  • Last Updated Oct 22, 2022
  • Views 15029
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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