Why is my potted Norfolk pine leaning and its needles browning?


For additional care information, see our Guide to Norfolk Island pine houseplants.

A too-small pot may be the cause of a leaning plant. Large plant size relative to pot size can cause uneven weight distribution, allowing the plant to lean. A larger pot (and thus a larger and more stable root system) can compensate for uneven weight.

If you do repot your pine, be sure to only go up one pot size (8-inch to 10-inch, 12-inch to 14-inch, etc). It still may not be large enough, but if you go from say an 8-inch pot to a 12-inch, instead of 10-inch, you will create a “moat” of soil around the plant because the new soil won’t have roots in it yet and any water in the soil won’t be absorbed. The new roots have to grow into that new soil to absorb the water. If you increase the pot size too much, the “moat” of new soil will be too large and remain wet, possibly rotting the roots. So if the new pot size is still too small, stake the plant for support and then repot it again next spring.

The browning needles do cause some concern. It’s normal for the older needles on the lower branches to gradually turn brown and drop off. But if large areas or areas other than the lower branches turn brown, then there is probably something else going on. These plants tend to like humid environments and cool temperatures. But here are some possible reason why this might be happening:

  • In most homes the humidity is too low for the plant. During a cold winter, heaters come on more frequently and really dry things out. This is very frequently the source of this problem.
  • Overwatering or underwatering can cause brown needles. Overwatering can occur if the plant container does not have a drain hole or if the run off dish isn't emptied after watering. Underwatering is especially likely if the pot is too small; a pot full of roots use up the water quickly.
  • Norfolk pines like lots of bright, indirect light. They can take a couple hours of direct sun, as long as it's not harsh midday sun. Too much direct sun can burn the needles.
  • Blasts of cold air or hot air can brown the needles. Keep the tree away from doors and windows where cold gusts might come in, and away from heating vents and radiators.
  • These plants can be prone to spider mites, which love warm, dry conditions. Inspect the brown areas for any webbing produced by the spider mites. You can use water to rinse them off and try to knock down the populations. More even watering and increased humidity will also help with mites.
For tips on a variety of gardening topics, see our Plant Information Guides.
- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
  • Last Updated Nov 22, 2024
  • Views 17157
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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