What is that pretty blue and white flowering plant that grows in early spring?
That pretty blue and white flowering plant is most likely Chionodoxa forbesii, or Forbes' Glory-of-the-snow, a bulbous perennial from southwest Turkey. After flowering in early spring, it goes dormant until the next spring. Chionodaxa are great for naturalizing, laying a coat of blue across a glen like charming little fairies.
Chionodoxa are among the first bulbs to bloom in the spring, typically from mid-March to mid-April. Each bulb produces 2-3 narrow, basal leaves and an upright flower stalk (to 6 inches tall), topped in very early spring by a loose, one-sided raceme of 3-6 star-like, upward facing, 6-petaled, soft violet-blue flowers with white centers. 'Pink Giant' grows to 8" tall and features 6-10 dull pink flowers per stem.
There are many bulbous flowering plants to start spring off, beginning with the dainty white snowdrops (Galanthus) that sometimes push through snow in late winter. Spring snowflakes (Leucojum vernum) also appear early, along with blue and white squills (Scilla), Chionodoxa, and crocuses. Dwarf irises are in the mix as well.
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- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
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