Can you recommend a ground cover for my part-sun, part-shade perennial beds?
One extremely easy, versatile ground cover is Geranium macrorrhizum. Also known as bigroot cranesbill and scented cranesbill, this evergreen perennial produces white, pink or violet flowers on upright spikes in late spring and early summer. It's a self-seeding filler around other perennials.
Due to its thick rhizomes, G. macrorrhizum is drought-tolerant. Its self-seeding growth suppresses weeds. Blooms last about two weeks. It tolerates hot, humid summers well.
G. macrorrhizum ‘album’ produces white flowers with pink stamens and grows 8-10 inches high. Another popular cultivar is ‘Ingwersen's Variety’, 12-18 inches high with pink flowers.
Cornell University and the Missouri Botanical Garden offer further details on this species.
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- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
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