How high should I cut my lawn grass?


To keep your lawn (turf) healthy in different seasons, cut at the appropriate height for each season.

Spring: Remove any debris that has accumulated over winter and mow at a height of 2 inches. If the soil is compacted you might do some aeration, which makes a world of difference to the lawn’s health. Overseeding may be in order as well at this time of year, as well as in fall.

Mid-spring: Mow to 2 ½-3 inches, usually on a weekly schedule.

Summer: Maintain the lawn’s height at 3-3 ½ inches to help slightly shade the roots and prevent drought or heat stress.

Fall: Gradually lower mowing height back to 2 ½ inches, continuing weekly mowing schedule.

Note: Water lawns one inch each week.

Fertilize your lawn with slow-release, preferably organic food. Over-fertilizing your turf invites lawn diseases. Compost spread over the lawn helps condition the soil as well.

For weed control tips, consult Rodale's Organic Lawn Problem Solver.

For tips on a variety of gardening topics, see our Plant Information Guides.
- Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service







  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 99
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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