How do I care for my Chinese evergreen houseplant (Aglaonema)?


The Chinese evergreen is a popular houseplant, considered easy to grow. The botanical name is Aglaonema.

To care for Aglaonema give medium light. Never subject them to direct sunlight, which can scorch the foliage. It likes normal room temperatures. It also appreciates some humidity to grow well indoors. In the dry interior of your home, you can stand the plant with its saucer over a pebble tray. A pebble tray is just a larger tray with small pebbles (pebbles available from plant nursery or aquarium store). Keep water level at least half way up the pebbles for a micro climate of humidity. Water the plant thoroughly until the water drains out (toss excess water), and don’t water again until the top inch is dry, than water again.

Move young plants into pots one size larger each spring as needed; re-pot older plants only once every two or three years. They will thrive in a 5 or 6 inch pot (probably no bigger pot is needed), then top dress annually in spring (remove a little mix on top and replace with fresh potting mixture).

Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2021
  • Views 1215
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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