How do I care for my money tree houseplant?
Pachira aquatica, commonly called money tree, is a popular houseplant. Pachira is also known as Guinea-Chestnut. Money tree plants often have their slender trunks braided together which makes for an attractive, strong looking tree indoors. Endemic to the American tropics of southern Mexico to Brazil and Peru, it can grow 15-70 ft high depending on the species. The slim green stems are topped with palmate leaves.
Pachira likes bright light near a window but protect it from direct hot summer sun which can burn the foliage.
Watering is best done thoroughly to moisten the entire potting mixture and then not watering again until the mix is going to dry, and then watering thoroughly again. Trees like this need a well-drained environment and do not like overwatering. Water the plants until the water runs from the drainage holes, toss the excess, and let the soil dry out between watering’s
These plants like a moderately humid room, like in the tropics. Most homes are on the dry side, so to increase the humidity around the plant, place the pot with its saucer over a larger tray filled with pebbles. Keep the pebble tray filled with water and the evaporation will enhance the humidity of the area. Fertilize every two weeks in seasonal growth not winter using a liquid plant food.
The plant may need repotting every two-three years using a fresh potting mixture. Try not to move the plant around a lot. Money tree plants dislike being moved and respond by dropping their leaves. Also keep them away from drafty areas. You can move your Pachira money tree outside in summer to an area with dappled light, and bring back in when fall arrives. Clean up the plant coming from outdoors, especially check under the leaves with any hitchhikers. Clean the top soil as well. Coming from outdoors the plant may lose some leaves while acclimating to the lower light of indoors.
Find more information on caring for a money tree in our Money Tree Guide.
Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service
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