Do you have Julie Andrews roses?

I saw the announcement that Julie Andrews will be appearing at your rose garden. It encouraged me to contact you. I am a long time fan and I had several Julie Andrews roses. I live near Houston where we are hot and humid. The roses did well until this year (soggy spring, lack of rain after that, very hot weather). I currently have only one remaining plant. The roses are no longer available from any sources that I knew of. Do you have the roses or do you know where I can obtain them? This is a long shot, I know, but I had to ask because they are such unusual and lovely roses. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


Hello Julie Caprette, 

Sorry for keeping you hanging, but so far no word from our rose curator as to a source for the 'Julie Andrews' rose, his initial comment was "Not the best rose" for growing. Well, he did say Julie Andrews was wonderful at the special Rose dinner. It turns out that her favorite rose is 'Sally Holmes'. I will let you know if anything come up new about the rose. Or if you have any other questions just let us know.

Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service

  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 318
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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