Why is my Clivia flower growing too short?


Your Clivia short flower stems are the result of too cool temperatures and watering technique during the development of flowers. Clivia needs 70-degree temperatures and never below 60 to 65 degrees. Move into a warmer area out of any cold drafts. Water thoroughly keeping soil moist during flower development; other times let plant potting mixture dry between thorough waterings.

Clivia or also called Kaffir Lily produces leaves and flowers each year with proper care.

After the flowers die, the stems should be cut as close to the soil surface as possible and when the remaining stem dries, it should be removed. Clivia must rest during the winter. After mid-October the water supply must be slowly reduced and the plant should remain completely dry November to January. During this period it should be kept in a bright, cool (but not below 50 degrees location). When flower buds appear, move to a warmer location (60 to 65 degrees) but let the soil remain dry until flower stalks are 6 inches tall and then resume proper watering. Locate plant in filtered sunlight, in late spring and summer keep out of direct sunlight, but still in bright light. Fertilize ½ strength of the recommended dose on the label, between May and August.

Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service

  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 5563
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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