How can I grow galatella at home?


Galatella is one of the many genera of plants that were previously called astersAlthough many gardeners, nurseries and nature-lovers may still call asters “asters”, botanists reclassified many of the plants that were once asters into other genera in the 1990's. The reason is that molecular (DNA) and morphological studies have shown that the North American asters are genetically distinct from Eurasian asters. Only recently, after years of resistance, many horticultural and botanical groups have adopted this change in their communications, so gardeners are increasingly seeing the same plant listed under both old and new names.

The taxonomic relationship between different Asteraceae is an on-going area of investigation and the classification of asters may continue to change. 

Galatella is a Eurasian aster and there are 40-50 species of Galatella from Europe and Asia.The one most commonly grown in gardens is G. sedifolia. Its flowers are lavender or violet with 5-10 petals and a prominent yellow center. It is a hardy perennial. 

Galatella  should be grown in a sunny location or in partial shade. Loamy, well-drained soil is best. The ground should be mulched regularly and application of a balanced fertilizer monthly will yield large flowers. Asters are susceptible to powdery mildew but this can be minimized by not watering or fertilizing the leaves directly. Dividing plants ever 2-3 years and discarding the center portion also helps.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information

  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 143
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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