I wrap my fig tree as instructed but every spring it's dead to the ground. It grows back but no fruit.

I wrap my fig tree with burlap, hay, leaves, tarp etc. What am I doing wrong?


Assuming there is no disease that is visible during the growing season, experience suggests that it dies back every winter due to very cold location. The location of the tree should ideally be on the south side of the property, preferably adjacent to a white, or light-colored wall to reflect more heat from the sun's rays in winter & promote good growth.

Another factor that may be affecting the plant is if it's unwrapped too EARLY in the season; best time in the New York City area is after last frost around Mother's Day to unwrap.

Did you ever get figs in the past? You may have a variety that simply can't thrive in the northeast, better to grow 'Celeste' or 'Brown Turkey' varieties. If you live in a cold area, you may want to grow a fig tree in a container and then take the fig inside for the winter. Store it in a non-heated garage assuming it's a cold hardy fig & not a fig that can only grow in Fla or California.

The NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated Jan 28, 2025
  • Views 410
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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