My echinacea has odd growths
I have two patches of echinacea, and one has flowers with odd growths. I think this is a sign of mite infestation.
Your Echinacea plant may have a mite infestation, or other problem. I have the information regarding mites and other possible problems below:
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Damage by eriophyid mites may be easily confused with damage caused by scorch, air pollution, herbicides, and in some cases, fungi or insects. (Note: Mites are not insects; they are arachnids.) Close examination with a dissecting microscope is required to confirm their presence in sufficient numbers to be responsible for the observed symptoms. The upper and lower surfaces of blistered, rusty colored or curled leaves should be examined. Galls and growths should be cut open and examined.
You can find more information from the Missouri Botanical Garden here.
Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service
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