Can you tell me more about Porcelain berry?
Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) is an invasive plant in some areas. it is a vigorous, woody, deciduous, tendril-climbing vine which is somewhat similar in habit to wild grape vines and will typically grow 15 - 25'. This plant features mostly 3-lobed, deep-green leaves (to 5" long). Clusters (cymes) of non-showy, greenish flowers appear in the leaf axils in July. Flowers give way in fall to showy clusters of rounded-to-oval, pale, lilac-blue fruits (1/4" diameter) which mature to brighter and deeper shades of amethyst to porcelain blue.
The genus name comes from the Greek words ampelos meaning a vine and opsis meaning likeness. It is closely related to grape vines.
More detailed information is available from Missouri Botanical Garden.
Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
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