How can I plant tulip bulbs in pots? What do I do to make them bloom in the Winter?


Tricking bulb plants, like tulips, into flowering at an earlier time is called forcing. You can plant tulip bulbs in a container to force flowering in winter. The bulbs need to experience a cold period that simulates winter to flower successfully. Different types of bulbs require different chilling periods, generally 12 to 16 weeks. 

Tulips need a 14 to 16-week chilling period for best results. Good tulip varieties for forcing are Tulipa 'Apricot Beauty', 'Bing Crosby', 'Jingle bells', 'Attila', 'White Dream', 'Princess Irene', 'Monsella' and 'Estella Rijnveld'.

See the complete step by step process in our guide to Bulb Forcing Tips and Techniques.

If you have more questions such as best sources for bulbs, just let us know, we are happy to help!

Courtesy of the NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 199
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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