What tropical and carnivorous plants are housed at the Botanical Garden?


We have many, many tropical and carnivorous plants housed at  NYBG.  Most of those plants are kept in the Conservatory (glasshouse) as they are at home in much warmer, wetter climates than New York City.

Our tropical/ subtropical plant collections are housed in 11 unique environments in the Conservatory so that each plant is grown in a room that closely approximates the humidity, light and temperature of its native habitat. If you are familiar with greenhouse management, you will understand the techniques used to simulate the proper conditions and we are fortunate to have so many different spaces that can be managed independently. You can visit those collections any time you come to visit the garden.

The plants in our collection are so numerous that a list would be huge.  I suggest that you make use of our Garden Plant Tracker Tool to search for the presence in our collection of any plant types that are of particular interest to you.  The Plant Tracker will tell you how many of that species we have at NYBG and its location in the garden.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information


  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2025
  • Views 296
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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