When do you think the lilacs will be blooming? Usually they are late-April, but I'm guessing earlier this year?

trying to time it with my birthday, April 29! Thank you


Happy almost birthday Carol! What a great time of year to be celebrating.

You are correct that the lilacs have quite a range of dates at which they've bloomed over the past several years. Typically they flower from April to mid-May and we are expecting that this year's peak will be mid-April.  But the last two weeks of weather are a reminder of what a drastic agenda Mother Nature can have up her sleeve so it's hard to be really accurate even a few weeks out.  I can tell you that the buds are forming and we are certainly getting the necessary rainfall!  The first magnolias are starting to flower this week, which is slightly later than typical.

If you are a frequent visitor at lilac time, I'm sure you've noticed that some come into flower later than others so there will be several weeks of lilac beauty to enjoy.  I suggest that you choose a late April date and then keep your eyes on our "What's Beautiful Now?" web page (http://www.nybg.org/gardens/index.php?n=1). Once the collections begin to flower, you will find updates there as to how each is looking.  Or check back with us as the date approaches for an update at Plantinfo@NYBG.org. 

Hope that helps!

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 243
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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