I want to learn about parasitic plants! Where should I start?


Parasitic plants are a fascinating group of plants ranging from trees (e.g. sandalwood) to shrubs (e. g. mistletoe) to very peculiar species that have no leaves, stems or true roots (e.g. raflesia).

For more information on parasitic plants you can consult the International Parasitic Plant Society which is devoted to studying and providing information on parasitic plants. Its website is http://parasiticplants,org. Another useful website is : http://parasiticplants.siu.edu.

This book is a more detailed scientific discussion of parasitic plants : M.C. Press and J.D..Graves (Eds.). Parasitic Plants, Chapman and Hall (London ) 1995.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information

  • Last Updated Apr 02, 2018
  • Views 130
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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