Why do my dogwoods (Cornus florida) keep dying?
If you are having problems with Cornus Florida it may be the growing conditions causing Powdery mildew, which is most common in dense, shady areas where the air circulation is poor. Warm, dry days and cool, damp nights favor disease development. More information on this disease is available from Clemson University Extension here.
Have you grown:
Cornus kousa; common name Kousa Dogwood (family Cornaceae)
A small, vase-shaped tree with horizontal branching
Mottled exfoliating bark
Pointed bract tips in comparison to the rounded bract tips of C. florida
Blooms about 2 or 3 weeks after C. florida
Red, raspberry-like fruits
Flower buds pointed and shaped like and onion
Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
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