Why did my money tree (Pachira aquatica) lose all its leaves?


This low care plant can be tricky at times.

Leaves may yellow and fall in autumn, when days shorten and light becomes lower. Increase light, if possible, and then be patient; the leaves should return with the next flush of growth.

Money trees will often drop their leaves in shock when disturbed too much at the roots. They also dislike being moved from one position to another or experiencing hot or cold drafts and will protest by dropping leaves. Correct the environment as needed and be patient; the leaves will probably return with the next flush of growth.

Crispy, curling and falling leaves may indicate too little humidity in the environment, particularly in winter, inadequate light or an inconsistent watering routine.

Yellowing leaves and rotting stems indicate that you are over-watering, splashing water on the stem or the soil is retaining too much water.

You can find more information about caring for this plant in our Money Tree Guide.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2021
  • Views 415
  • Answered By Leslie Coleman

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