My shamrock houseplant (Oxalis triangularis) has dry brown patches on its leaves.
The delicate leaves of Oxalis triangularis can burn if the sun is too strong. If your false shamrock leaves look dry around the edges with some brown patches, they may need to move to a position where afternoon light is less intense. Avoid splashing water on leaves which can magnify the sun's rays.
Shamrock plants prefer some bright, direct, early light but need protection from harsher afternoon sunlight. Close to an east-facing window or a more filtered spot in a south-facing room suits these plants. A west-facing window is suitable as long as the plant is not exposed to strong, direct, early-afternoon light. Moving to a slightly more protected light situation after flowering may reduce the chance of dormancy for some plants.
For more information on caring for your false shamrock houseplant, please refer to our guide.
Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service
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