Where can I get help with adding native planting and lawn alternatives for the New York area?


Gathering information about your growing conditions and plants that are native to the region, as well as the process of preparing your growing area, will take some work and may present challenges. Take your time to learn so that you maximize your investment in this worthwhile project and its impact on the natural world.

Gather Information

Consider visiting a native plants garden in your area to see what plants are doing well and the combinations that work nicely for a particular time of year. NYBG's Native Plant Garden is one possibility, featuring native plants of the Northeast. We also offer classes on Gardening with Native Plants. Browse NYBG's list of upcoming continuing education classes for more information.

Make a Plan

The NYBG Plant Information Office is happy to answer your questions about siting and suitability of plantings as you add native plants to your environment. We also have a few resources to offer you that should help you to get started.

Consider Supporting Pollinators

If you would like to provide plants that serve the needs of a particular pollinator, we recommend the resources of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Their Guide to Native Plants for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects for the Northeast is excellent. Our guide Creating a Butterfly Garden describes the conditions that are favorable for supporting moths and butterflies and is specific to the species in our area.

Additional Resources

Here are a few more great resources to refer to as you make your plant list:

Native Plant List for New York from NativePlant.org.

New York City Parks Department Native Plants Guide (pdf)

Audubon Society Best Native Plants for the New York Area

New York Natural Heritage Program's Plant List

Native Plant Trust Garden Plant Finder

If You Need Help from a Garden Professional

If you could use some professional guidance to achieve your objective, The Association of Professional Landscape Designers has a "Find a Designer" function that allows you to look for a professional in your area. You will get a list of names that you can click on to see websites with portfolios and descriptions of work.  Look for a designer with experience in sustainable environments. The American Society of Landscape Architects also has a tool to find a Landscape Architect near you.

Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing Plantinfo@NYBG.org.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service


  • Last Updated May 04, 2024
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Leslie Coleman

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