What is the best location for planting a viburnum?


Many viburnum are easy to grow in the New York City area. Most types are not very particular as to soil conditions but prefer moderately fertile, lightly acid, moist but well-drained soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. They are healthiest and produce the most fruit and flower in full sun to partial shade, but some popular plants, including the native Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum) are habituated to the woodland understory and will tolerate greater shade. Most species grow well in USDA Zone 5 - 9 but some species, like Viburnum trilobum (the native American cranberrybush), are tolerant to Zone 3.

If you select an early flowering type, choose a site with some wind protection and mid-day (rather than morning) sun to reduce the chance of bud and flower damage from early spring frost and wind. Viburnum grown for decorative and wildlife-sustaining fruit should be planted in multiples. Follow the selection process described in the Select identically diverse plants section of our Guide to Viburnum. Evergreen species and cultivars will sustain less leaf damage in winter if used in a wind-protected location.

Viburnum are most effective when allowed to grow in a natural shape. Select compatible plants for the size of your space so that pruning is kept to a minimum and their naturally tidy appearance can be featured. Space plants so that air circulation is maintained between plants and buildings to reduce the incidence of mildew and fungal diseases.

Read more about this plant in our Guide to Viburnum.

Courtesy of NYBG Plant Information Service

  • Last Updated Jan 10, 2024
  • Views 159
  • Answered By Leslie Coleman

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